The hard rains over the weekend washed out the bunkers at Irving Park. All the hard work on Saturday was for not as the rain Saturday night came down even faster and harder. It is now Wednesday and we are finally making the last few repairs. The bunkers on the Farm course were built with washing in mind and are much less susceptible to the erosion effects of hard rains.
While the greens at both our courses are still hanging in there that is not the case at several nearby courses. The heat in July lead to significant root loss leaving behind dead decaying root tissue. Add that to the current wet pattern we are in and disease is beginning to appear on the greens. Samples that were submitted to the NCSU Turf Pathology lab yesterday confirmed high counts of Pythium on the Irving Park greens. These greens are Cato Bentgrass, which has shown itself to be more susceptible to disease during hot, humid conditions. The Farm greens are also showing thinning on several greens but mostly on the front 9 where sunlight and air movement is limited by tree growth.
Accepting we have done everything we can up to this point with our mowing, spraying and cultivation strategies we do expect to see continual thinning on the greens at each course throughout the month of August. All we can do going forward is to continue to stay vigilant, plan for the worst and hope for the best.
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