Speaking of golf and course conditions, the two courses are both healing from our late summer aerification on the greens. The Irving Park course is now in its third week of recovery and while not still quite there the green speeds have gotten back over 10 on a daily basis. The Farm course is now 10 days into recovery and we expect to have speeds back up over 10 by the weekend. We expect the greens on both courses to be in really good shape by next weekend and we shouldn't look back on green speeds until the heat returns again next July.
A lot of conversation this year seemed to center around green speeds, both here and at a great many clubs in the Southeast that are still growing Bentgrass. I have written numerous times about how the above average temperatures this year took a heavy toll on Bentgrass but in the end the typical golfer really doesn't care why, they just want them faster. While not every summer is going to be as difficult on Bentgrass as this one was, those same conditions made for some really great Bermuda greens in our area. As such, this year we heard a lot more about how good some of the Ultradwarf greens were when our members came back from some of the many courses that now offer these types of putting surfaces. Thursday's first day of fall was also the same day the East Lake Golf Club begins hosting this years Tour Championship on their ultradwarf greens and at first glance, they look really good. In response to this consistent feedback and the success so many clubs are now enjoying with this putting surface the Club has asked that we begin studying as to whether or not this particular type of greens surface would work for this club on the Farm course. Therefore, we are currently working on the details of a proposal for a 2017 (or thereafter) conversion for committee consideration, member feedback and ultimately Board approval. This project would be a significant investment and change to the playability of the course and the Club is therefore seeking feedback from the golfing portion of the membership. Feel free to communicate your thoughts on the subject to the following individuals:
Doug Lowe - Director Golf and Grounds
Bud Taylor - Director Golf Operations
Robert Lesinger - General Manager
Lloyd Peterson - Green Committee Chair and all other Green Committee Members
Cabell Poindexter - Golf Committee Chair and all other Golf Committee Members
GCC Board Members
Overseeding Farm Practice Tee - The Farm practice was overseeded with Ryegrass on Monday, September 19 and will take approximately 3 weeks before it is established enough to put golfers back on to that portion of the tee. In the meantime golfers will be hitting off the back section of the tee established in Zoysia.
Fall Cultural Management - Both courses were recently treated with a fertilizer application designed to strengthen the plant going into the fall and provide the best color possible before our first frost, which usually comes in late October. Both courses were also treated with a winter pre-emergent herbicide application to prevent winter weeds from germinating.