Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Aug 12 - Farm Range Re-Opens This Week

The Farm range was closed for repairs on July 13 and sprigs hit the ground on July 15.  We are now in week four and as we originally hoped we will be opening the range on Friday of this week on a limited basis as follows:

Monday                                     Closed all Day

Tuesday to Friday                   Open at 7:30 am               Closed at 6:00 pm

Saturday and Sunday             Open at 7:00 am               Closed from 11:00 to 12:30 (for Handpicking)

Saturday and Sunday              Reopens at 12:30             Closed at 6:00 pm

The above schedule has shorter operating hours included to allow for staff to hand pick the range. Once conditions improve and the range firms up enough to operate the mechanical ball picker the range schedule will return to its normal operating hours.  We understand this is a highly valued facility by many of the members and we appreciate your understanding as we continue in our efforts to return this part of the club back to a fully operational status.

Farm Range 7-14-15

Farm Range 8-12-15

The GCM team at the Farm continue to make repairs to small areas throughout the course.  While the Farm fared well in the Zoysia fairways, the amount of damage in the Bermuda roughs was almost identical to the size of damage incurred in the roughs on the Irving Park course.  The primary difference between the timing of repairs was a very busy tournament schedule on the Farm course that did not allow us the opportunity to keep the same pace as we executed on the Irving Park course.  Our original plan to have these repairs finished by the end of August is still our goal.  With the vast majority of our seasonal staff having already left for college the remaining year round staff still has a lot to do but I have the utmost confidence they will put in the extra effort to make the final repairs before our Club Championship on August 29-30.

Repair Work #13
Repair Work #14

Repair Work #15

The Irving Park course has come a long way from when we first started making repairs back in the month of May.  We continue to try and grow in the last few areas of sprigs that have been slow to recovery (mostly in shady areas).  In additon to pushing sprigs the IP staff also has a small amount of sod work left on the table to get to before the Club Championship.

Irving Park #13

And before you know it the aerification season will be back upon us:

Greens Aerification Irving Park

August 31 - September 1

This aerification will be especially important this year as we deferred the June aerification on greens due to extremely hot weather and a huge workload related to winterkill repairs.