#4 Farm 2012 President's Cup |
#4 IP 2012 President's Cup |
The 2012 President's Cup provided for some pretty good course conditions and we expect nothing less in 2013. Now that the 2013 monsoon season seems to have stalled and we finally find ourselves in a more typical July weather pattern our task is clear,
Get the two courses in tournament condition - ASAP.
So for those interested in what the course maintenance staff has on their to-do list for the next two weeks, I have provided below a condensed summary of the items we will be focusing on for the next two weeks:
Week 1 (7/15-7/21)
1) Extend work hours for staff by a minimum of one hour per day.
2) Hire Temp labor.
3) Double the mowing frequency everywhere in an effort to catch up with scalping and leaf clippings.
4) Begin trimming curbs, sprinklers, yardage markers, paths, creeks, ponds etc.
5) Bentgrass greens are expected to see prolonged sunshine and the hottest temperatures year to date. Greens will need to be closely monitored for wilt. Begin hand watering dry and weak areas daily in addition to misting greens during the hottest hours of the day.
6) Monitor disease activity on greens. Disease probability is very high based on a long period of saturated soil conditions, a weakened root system and a rapid increase in soil temperatures.
7) Complete delayed or scheduled projects, which may include but not be limited to drainage, landscaping, sod work, etc.
8) Apply growth regulators to tees, fairway, tee and green surrounds.
9) Focus on weed control in both the play and non-play areas.
10) Closely manage pond aesthetics.
Week 2 (7/22 - 7/28)
1) Extend work week to whatever is required to achieve tournament conditioning standards.
2) Dress up the mulched areas.
3) Complete all trim work.
4) Maintain an aggressive mowing schedule.
5) Increase the blowing schedule.
6) Balance green health with green speeds to maximize firmness and ball roll for the period Friday (7/26) - Sunday (7/28).
While tournament preparations are always extensive in nature, with all the rainfall, this year will prove to be especially difficult. None the less, the staff will work their hardest to have a course the membership both enjoys and is proud of by the middle part of next week.