New Drainage Additions
The staff on the Farm course has begun the process of installing numerous new drain lines throughout the course. All totaled we hope to install nearly 1,800 feet of new french drain lines and numerous new catch basins throughout the course. The focus of our efforts will be primarily in our fairways where the Zoysia has shown itself to be more sensitive to wetness.
The process will primarily consist of the following:
1) Removing the sod in the area of the new drain line
2) Trenching the lines
3) Placing gravel on the base of the trench
4) Install HDPE double wall coregated slit pipe
5) Cover pipe with gravel
6) Back fill remaining portion of ditch with sandy mix
7) Cover trench with water proof geotextile to prevent washing prior to final sodding
8) Sod trench with new sod
As most would agree, drainage on a golf course is a never ending endeavor. The good news is the new Farm course has some great infrastructure to work with, which will make our efforts much easier than prior to the renovation. Also worth noting, is that due to the fact the majority of this work will be in the fairways please be considerate of our staff while they work hard to make these valuable improvements.
Existing Drain Swale |
New Drain Basin |
New Drainline |
Drain line protected from washing out until sod can be installed |